PAINTER...Willow Cairn
I'm so pleased my chum, artist Willow Cairn, said I may post some of her paintings...though this virtual vibe doesn't quite capture the magic of her glorious talent.
You may enjoy other paintings of Willow's and discover more about this fabulous lady if you pop over to her Blog

There are some amazing Poets out there...so just thought I'd name a few for your perusal. I'll probably add to this as I find a wee bit more time...However for now...there's one chap I just love and that's John Hegley, he's absolutely brilliant. I've had the pleasure of being granted the permission to perform some of his stuff in my show.
Check him out at:
His Audience draw and send him loads of piccies like this cos, he has a special soul...seriously, check him out.
Also please check out the fabulous Elspeth Murray at:

Here's the fabulous FLIP-FLOP poem for flip-flop fans
Flip Flotsam
This is the beach
where the flip flops come
at the end of their
flip flop trip.
And where does a
flip flop trip begin?
the floor of a flip flop factory;
on the shelf of a flip flop shop;
or the foot of a flip flop fan?
And what snaps the strap
of each flip flop
that finds its flip flop fate?
a flip too far;
a flop too fast;
or a slip that
flapped it back?
And what does the sea say
when she sees another flip flop fall?
Oh, flip flop and flotsam
fair and foul,
I'll freely float you all!"?
OR ...
Do the waters, wavey and wide
curse each clutch of clutter
that comes on each tide
and storm up the sand
with curses that worsen
at each
flip-flopping person?
Elspeth's hubby is an amazing puppeteer and had a HUGE hit show at the Edinburgh Festival this year 2006...Richard Medrington and he can be found at:
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